TC Fleshman is a contemporary romance writer. A Florida native and an avid romance reader. With a healthy appetite for travel and adventure, TC takes her characters across the globe on their plights to find love amongst turmoil.
“Love takes you many places; so a story should too.”
Conceptual Style
“Life is full of fluff and fuckery; might as well make the best of it all.”
All stories and characters developed by TC Fleshman are fictional, but she likes to mix the fantasy within the ribbons of real places that set the mind to wonder and pine for travel.
“Any resemblance to actual people or situations is sheer coincidence, so don’t get your panties in a wad.”
Personal Philosophy
“I spent my childhood lost in the classic novels of Shakespeare, Austen, and Bronte. I spent my adolescence lost in Koontz and Lamb. Once I finally hit adulthood, I devoured textbooks and smut looking for a realistic balance of it all. Life doesn’t always hand our story-book endings so I decided to let my own writing wield itself into something all it’s own. I write what comes to me and from fluffy lovers to serial killers, you’ll just have to stick around to see what’s next.”
TC’s breakout novel,”Oblivious” of the Havoc series is now available on Amazon.
A tale of love, of the many twisted sorts, playing out in the limelight.
Check out the adventure and keep your eyes peeled for the second installment, “Impulse” expected to release February 28, 2017!